Monday, January 30, 2012

Short, but sweet.

I think I might actually believe in Global Warming (am I really saying this??)...this winter has been so entirely warm here in NC. The people getting dumped on by snow in Alaska may disagree,'s all relative.

Anyway. I finished reading/discussing/analyzing Agamemnon by Aeschylus in lit. Greek literature has a common theme: All problems are caused by women and all disagreements are over women. Not exactly true in real life, but somewhat accurate. :) I'm starting to actually get into Greek tragedies though. I may even like them more than Shakespearean tragedies. They seem to have better reasons for killing/poisoning people in Greek tragedies . 

We're most likely finding another home for the horse, btw. He's too big for our midget family, and stepped on Mom's foot and tried to kick her. We're going to try to find a pony or smaller horse to free-lease. I think it would be a better match. 

Sorry this is so short! I'll try to write more later.

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