Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year.

Whoa. I haven't written since LAST YEAR!
Happy 2012, everyone. I hope your new year is wonderful.
Speaking of wonderful, that's an adjective to describe my Christmas. We had a lovely day, together as a family eating good food,opening presents, listening to Christmas music and taking a walk. Then, in the evening our good friends the Stephens came over and watched, It's a Wonderful Life. I'm really psyched, 'cause I GOT SKI'S FOR CHRISTMAS! Very excited about that.
Last Friday, everyone (minus Dad ): headed down to TN to visit family and see some friends It was a very nice time together. On New Years Eve, we watched the ball drop on TV, 
which is very overrated and ridiculous in my opinion. A couple 
minutes before, Will exclaimed, "When do we get to see the BOMB drop?"
Poor guy, thought a bomb was gonna drop from the sky and explode.  Next,  we tried to make as much noise as we could at midnight with those little squawker birthday-party things my Aunt bought, and old ladies pulled back their curtains and glared at us. Then I ran around the block and called people on my phone to wish them a Happy New Year. Next, I got lost in the neighborhood...smelled a skunk in the bushes and ran around trying to find my aunts house...and people were looking at me like I escaped from a mental hospital...Finally I found the house and Emma and I watched a western and dreamed of mules and six shooters and Apaches all night. New Years Day we went to the city of Chattanooga, walked across the TN river and ate delicious ice-cream. Monday was our first, real mall experience. The only mall I'd ever really been to was our mall which is so small you can stand in the middle and see all the stores. Also, it's always quiet and empty and we always see a lot of people we know there. This mall wasn't really huge compared to most, but there were at least 20,000,000 people in there. AND, it got a bloody nose in the middle of the man hallway-area...which was really embarrassing. 
Anyway, upon our arrival home, we were met with weather in the teens, high winds and a few inches of snow. I can't wait to go tear up the slopes. 
School is starting up tomorrow, Christmas break was divine. I seriously tried to convince Mom I had learned enough this semester in school to last for life. Which is practically true. 

Arrivederci, yall. 

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