Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Update on life. :)

We now have a horse. Correction: We're actually free leasing it for a year, to see if horses are for us without making any kind of purchase. The 2 youngest kids have been praying every night for a "baby brother, sister and horse." The horse was an answer to one of the prayers! He's TN walker. As many of you know, I am not an animal person. You could say I am indifferent towards animals. I was scarred for life after my beloved pet chickens being massacred by dogs, bears, coons and more, the death of baby goats, an evil hamster that bit fingers and my kitten that disappeared, a demented pet oppossum...ect. ect. At a young age, I decided animals die too much and are too temperamental, and decided it was stupid to become attached. Now, I just don't want any extra responsibilities and greatly prefer spending time with people WHO CAN ACTUALLY TALK. I'll post a picture of the horse soon. If any of you have any name suggestions, we'd appreciate it! Just leave a comment or send me an email. Dad's suggestion: "We can name him Nebuchadnezzar, since he wandered around in the fields and ate grass for seven years!" It takes us FOREVER to name animals. What usually happens is about 5 of us finally agree on a name, then the stubborn two still call it whatever they wanted, which results in an animal with 3 names.

Besides the new animal, nothing much has happened. We're as busy as ever with life and school. I started chemistry back again. Every year after Christmas break, I never cease to wonder how information can leave my mind so quickly. I look at my math book and think, "Hmm...a bell is faintly ringing in my mind...I know I've seen this somewhere, I remember going through some kind of torture that resembled these equations..." I'm counting on the fact that once you learn something, you may temporarily forget it, but it comes back quickly.

Today was a bad day for me brain-wise. I think I was partly delirious because I was so excited to see the sun??!! I went to get a Debit card at the bank, and the lady asked me what my name was and I said, 'Chloe." "Is that spelled Cloe?" I replied, "Yep." Mom had to tell me how my name was really spelled. Then the bank lady asked me my date of birth and I just looked blank for a minute, "Umm....ahh..." Also, in chemistry, I kept blanking out and writing all these random element names down that had nothing to do with the questions. "Whats the formula for potassium nitrate?" I'd start writing, MgF3 and my teacher looked over, "Why are you writing Magnesuim floride?" "Umm...ahh...oh yeah. I don't know." It was really odd.


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