Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring break! And more.

Happy spring!
I had a great spring break, and now I'm refreshed and ready to keep on conquering schoolwork...with the beautiful promise of summer break only eight weeks away.

On the 11th, Em, Hannah and I flew down to Florida to be spend spring break with Pop-pop and Grandma. We had a super fun time. They kept us busy. We went to the beach, did some fishing and even spent a day on a deserted island. That was my favorite day. The island was about 3.5 miles away from the shore. Pop-pop's little boat was pretty loaded down with the five of us, and it took a little while to get ourselves out there. A highlight was walking about a 1/4 mile out in the water on this sandbar, and having dolphins swim within five feet of us. Hannah was petrified when she saw the dolphin fin, thinking it was a shark. She started running as fast as her little legs could carry her to the shore; until we convinced her it was just a dolphin. She's been too into Soul Surfer lately. ;)

The day after we got home, our entire family headed up to MD/DC to visit Dad's family. The car ride was interesting, to say the least. (Car trips are always interesting in the our family) 

~A portrait of a typical road trip with our family~ 
Sitting in the wayyy back of the Suburban, where my legs are so squished I my knees are propelling them up...there's such a lack of personal space, the three people sitting in the back kinda blob into one uncomfortable mass. Did I mention the fact we don't have air-conditioning fixed yet? And that's its been a really hot March? Oh, and we drove past these pig farms for about 45 minutes in VA, and with the windows pig farm. In the car. I got so bored, I started to compose a poem about Will. (Who was sitting right next to me) I started to read it to him, 
                                                                   Oh dear little Will, 
he's as cute as a button
He's gonna marry a girl named Jill
And they'll never eat mutton
As soon as I got to the "He's gonna marry a girl named Jill" part, William flipped out. Marriage is his very least favorite topic. So, to redeem myself, I made sure the rest of the poem was about him being a formidable Indian chief and tough boy. I'll spare you all the rest of my pathetic, elementary poem. 
Ava dumps snacks all over the floor of the car, on top of the pile of books/coloring pages/toys/clothes/trash that already crowd the small passageway of the car. I could continue...but I think you all get the point. haha

So, our visit up north was very nice. It was good to see everyone. But boy, oh boy. It sure was nice to get home. It's so quiet and calm and peaceful. (Around us, I mean. Not necessarily in the house. haha)

I'm gonna ramble for a minute. We were driving home from the tri-cities airport, (which, by the way, is located in the middle of cow fields. no kidding) and we got behind a guy driving a Harley motorcycle. He had the "look". Long hair and beard, the Confederate flag vest, leather tassels, ect. We were following him up the mountain for a minute, and we noticed he only had ONE arm! "Wow," we're saying, "that's so cool! Overcoming his handicap!" "Still doing what he loves" "He's not letting that stop him" "I've never seen a one-armed motorcyclist!" ect. ect. Then, we see his other arm reappear. He's was just smoking a cigarette....Those moments in life, when you just feel a little stupid. haha

Well, tomorrow William is getting surgery on his nose, to repair the two breaks he endured this summer. We're all praying it'll go well, and his nose will be good as new. 

Well, I gotta run now. I hope you all enjoy these first, beautiful, flowery days of spring!


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