Thursday, April 5, 2012

Breathe in, breathe out...

Tying a string around my finger reminding me to breathe might be helpful for me right now. Life's been incredibly busy, and we're all hangin' on for the ride. 
I turned 16 since I've last posted, and Sunday I had a really fun party. Pretty much everyone left limping, sore and muddy. According to the guys, that's a true sign of a great time. Anyway, I had a wonderful 15th year, and I can't wait to enjoy my 16th. I'm thankful for my amazing family that makes my life so special. I can't even begin to count all of my blessings.
Tuesday night I broke my finger through an *ahem* unfortunate set of circumstances that include late night pinkie wars. It's pretty painful...bruised, swollen, crooked and taped. I'll never be a hand model, but I'll get over that. BUT, you know, it's been a couple weeks since anyone in the Curtis family has been injured, so I'd say it's  about time.
Right now Boone is kinda freaking out because it's been 60-70 degrees that past few days, and next week we're supposed to get SNOW. 

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