Thursday, December 8, 2011

December update!

Wow! I can't believe it's been about a month since I last posted. I'll try post more regularly from now on, but I'm not gonna be a politician and promise anything when realistically I can't grantee anything.
Life for us has been crazy busy. Sadly, (not) school is being pushed to the back burner and is being replaced by holiday activities. More accurately, school is pushed to the day before class...ah yes. Procrastination is my middle name.
Time flies--Thanksgiving was great (what a great holiday, btw. A day just to eat delicious food, and shoot guns, and be thankful!) Christmas season 2011 is already upon us. (just in case you forgot) I'm enjoying the festive decorations, parties, and music. So far, it's been an off year as far as snow goes. Last December, this time of the month, we had about two feet of snow. Now we only have lousy patches of snow.  Dude, I'm ready for skiing, and legit sledding parties-- the snow needs to start falling!

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