Wednesday, November 9, 2011

School is my life! My life is school!

I've been very negligent about blogging lately. All I've really been doing is school and that doesn't provide much blogging material. I'm enjoying it for the most part. Math always hangs over my head like an evil cloud of doom, and math's cousin, chemistry is known to do the same. History and literature on the other hand, are both very fascinating. Writing a full-blown literary analysis on the Iliad is difficult but rewarding. Our literature class is working on a movie with excerpts from the Iliad. It's a fun way to really understand the poem and exercise creativity. Today our chemistry class visited the water treatment plant in Boone. I'm glad we have well-water. :)
Ava and Will are my constant comic-relief during the long school days. 
I can't wait for Thanksgiving break, seeing family and eating a bunch of good food. Bring it on!!
As I said...I don't have much to say. Which is very unusual for me. Just ask my family. Speaking of not having much to say, my newest hypothesis; If I talk a lot, I'll be exercising my jaw and hopefully I won't get a double chin when I'm 85. Only time will tell. 

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