Saturday, September 3, 2011

Photos and quick (and random, duh) update.

In the full swing of school, our crazy days are starting to find somewhat of a routine.  I've never had so much school to do in my life, but it's mostly interesting and I'm enjoying getting new wrinkles in my brain.
Today we went hiking and Will had a bad fall. His is poor nose is the size of Texas and black and blue, and he also has cuts and scrapes all over his face. He looks ferocious and extremely tough.
Here are some random photos of our past few days to end this completely random post.
 Harvesting squash!
 Bread-making buddies
 Ava is the bomb.
 Hannah and I: The unstoppable chicken wing clippers. This one IS alive.
 Poor Will. He is making a funny face FYI.
 "Oh yeah! We were supposed to knead the bread!"
Fierce Indian warrior: Chief of tribe Big Nose.

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