Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pictures speak louder than words...and another note of interest to some.

Most have heard the saying, "A picture speaks louder than words." Let me also mention that my quota of intelligent words has been exhausted for the day .Today I am going to show a couple pictures that hopefully will summarize the last few weeks of life.
And, the for a quick randomness: (that word pops up in all my posts, idk why.)
Next time somebody asks you the unoriginal "Whats up?" Dad, and I came up with some new replies instead of the equally non-original "The sky."
1. "Not the stock-market." ~Dad
2. "Not your IQ." ~Me
Dad's is probably better to use.
That's it. Have a happy day! <3

Me after a long day of school. Ava has the wiggles.
 Joiya braided Emma's hair
 After the braids are taken out. Peace, man.

 Will and his buddies
 The new kitty. Doesn't have a name yet. Suggestions?
Dad and Mom! Looking good. :)
 Studying ancient Egypt

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Nose, goat and airplane. (and some other stuff)

First of all, thanks to all the people who prayed for Will's nose. Let me say, he is no longer Chief Big nose. He has resumed his earlier Indian name, Otter Tail. Watch out world, Otter Tail is back on the warpath. All other Curtis noses are doing fine as well, with the exception of a few stuffy ones. Now that the CN (Curtis Nose) situation is covered, let us move on.
I can't really remember what happened this week...I remember random stuff like Mom chasing the goat around the yard yelling, that was humorous. I've come to the conclusion: chasing goats is even more character building than chasing chickens. In other words, it is VERY annoying. On thing I know about last this week...it rained and rained and rained. All the locals are glad to be "outta that drought" but I'm like, "Helloooo people! It rained like a week ago! Don't you dare wish the sun away!" 
Today though was absolutely positively gorgeous. You know, one of those lovely days without a drop of humidity, the sun shining brilliantly and a few puffy clouds drift lazily along the sky. We, along with a group of other church people, hiked on the parkway. It is about a 6 mile hike, and a favorite for big groups due to the wide path. At the top is a 50 ft. tall fire tower which sports a panoramic view. Although you could easily fall off and die, the view is totally worth it. While we were up at the top, this little plane flew right by us. As Dad stated, "You coulda spit on it, it was so close!" We all waved enthusiastically and he came back around and did a loopty-loop spin in the air right above us. The response was animated whoops, hollers, big smiles and lots of waving. The pilot laughed, waved then zooooommed away. Within a couple minutes he was a white dot over by Mt. Jefferson in Wilkes County. Little moments like that create lasting memories. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Photos and quick (and random, duh) update.

In the full swing of school, our crazy days are starting to find somewhat of a routine.  I've never had so much school to do in my life, but it's mostly interesting and I'm enjoying getting new wrinkles in my brain.
Today we went hiking and Will had a bad fall. His is poor nose is the size of Texas and black and blue, and he also has cuts and scrapes all over his face. He looks ferocious and extremely tough.
Here are some random photos of our past few days to end this completely random post.
 Harvesting squash!
 Bread-making buddies
 Ava is the bomb.
 Hannah and I: The unstoppable chicken wing clippers. This one IS alive.
 Poor Will. He is making a funny face FYI.
 "Oh yeah! We were supposed to knead the bread!"
Fierce Indian warrior: Chief of tribe Big Nose.