Friday, July 22, 2011

Randomness from my week

Nothing monumental or particularly exciting has happened to me this week but "it ain't over 'till it's over" so who knows, maybe tomorrow will be incredible.
I have come to the conclusion on a few random things though:
1. Being a mechanic is NOT my calling. (Who else catches grass on fire while attempting to check the oil in the mower???)
2. I dreadfully miss our air-conditioning, which hasn't been working for the past week. (House and car! And YES, the weather has been awfully rain-foresty) 
3. Productivity is one of my favorite feelings. This week, although hum-drum has been satisfyingly productive.
Thanks to Emma, my life can never really be boring. Together we make the dullest jobs TOTALLY AWESOME! by doing things like composing wacko songs, getting in watermelon fights, and planning each others life. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Peaches! AND...more peaches!

Today, with the generous help of some friends, we canned peaches! We had some pretty productive production lines going on and we had all 66 quarts in the hot-water bath within 1.5 or 2 hours. We are still in the process of making peach butter. (like apple butter but peaches instead...go figure!) After some mathematics computation (I was hiding under the table at this time...jk) they figured a quart of peaches cost about $1, which is considerably cheaper then the grocery store and tastes like the bomb. (grocery store peaches are...okayyyy not so swell) Our kitchen is already magically transformed back into a kitchen after being a sticky, peach place except for some golden, gleaming jars of yummy peachness. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My life for the past 72 hrs. (the interesting stuff)

Alrighty. So here are my past 3 days. (Sort of. I didn't mention a lot of stuff the bathroom...ect.)

In brief: (if you don't feel like reading the long but still not very long version below) Permit, rumor corrections, guy with road rage, baptism, splitting wood, Dad pulled muscle, frisbee in the rain.

Friday: I got my learners permit! I'm very excited to being on my way to obtaining my license. It seemed like I had to go through a lot of rigmarole, and I am glad to be finally finished with the Boone-permit-for-homeschoolers-confusingnes. Not to mention, every day or two I'd hear a new rumor circulating such as: "Homeschooler won't be allowed to take Drivers Ed at Watauga EVER" (that's an OLD one haha), "If you fail the 25 question test at the DMV, you'll have to wait until you're 18 to get your license!" "NC passed a new law that you MUST have your permit for 2 years now instead of 1!" Take heart other people, ALL  ABOVE RUMORS ARE FALSE! I drove home from the DMV, and everybody lived. I only encountered one guy with intense road-rage, which was a plus. AND, he almost bumped into me only 3 times. No biggie.

Saturday: My little sis, Hannah, got baptized! It was a special day and I'm so happy for her. It's a wonderful decision. Dad baptized her in the New River. She was practically baptized before being immersed 'cause it was raining. I guess the rain thing would count more as a Catholic baptism though. Haha

Today. (Sunday)  Today was a typical Sunday. We worked around the house, helped Dad split a bunch of wood, Dad injured himself, and we went to Ultimate. Playing frisbee in the rain was pretty fun, but (no duh) really wet.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Post #1

Summertime. Mine thus far has been filled with friends, family, mowing the grass (yes our riding mower tragically died) swimming, frisbee, dances, continuous random jobs  and repetitive house cleaning. Now, in pursuit of a hobby, and encouraged by Mom, I have decided to add blogging to my list of activities. It's a first for me, but I'm hoping it will be a success.