Sunday, October 6, 2013


So last time I wrote I was in a totally different mindset. Let me explain: My first 5 weeks in Turkey were filled excitement, wonder, homesickness, chagrin and just bouts of culture shock. Just in the past 2 weeks that has totally changed. Life here feels normal and Turkey feels like home. I don't really know what brought about that change, but I am enjoying the new normalcy. Hearing a language all the time I can hardly understand seems standard. So do the headscarves, the call to prayer, the crowded buses, the lira, markets within walking distance and the absence of Ford F-150's, 250's, 350's, 450's ect.
I'll miss all of it a ton (except for the absence of big trucks) but at the same time I am counting down the weeks till I get home and see everyone I miss so much.
I know if I stayed here for a longer, extended period of time I'd probably experience culture shock all over again but as of right now I am nice and adjusted.
Since I am hungry and there is warm "gozleme"(fried bread filled with cheese and spinach) on the table I'm going to start wrapping this post up. First of all, I am pretty excited because I went downtown and shopped all by myself today and navigated the transportation system alone and purchased multiple items without any disasters.
Second of all, I spent Saturday evening hanging out at an old fortress built by Alexander the Great. I illegally climbed to the top of the walls walked around the top. I could see a panoramic view of Izmir the harbor and even a big carving of Atturk's face in rock. (Go figure. Side note: 80% of all men I have met have the name "Mustafa Kemal")
Food is calling....I must go.

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