Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Returning to the Land of the Living (or the Land of the Bloggers?)

I've been extremely negligent in keeping up with this blog. The school year sapped all of my creative writing energy. If I posted articles the content would of been "The Concept of Hierarchy in Paradise Lost" or "Don Quixote as a Satire in Romance Form." So basically, y'all can thank me I did not post unless you wanted  something to read before bed to make you sleepy. Now school is slowing down and therefore my creative writing is speeding up. It's an inversely proportional relationship.
Spring is finally arriving and today marked the great event in the Curtis home called, "First Toad of the Year Discovery." The award went to William. To ensure that we all got to share in the momentous occasion, he released the toad in all of our rooms so we could enjoy chasing it around therefore truly experiencing the essence of spring. The leaves are still absent and frosts still popping up in the forecast but folks, springtime his here! The toad has spoken. It's kind of like Groundhog Day (but really not)
With that said, I want to wish you all a "Happy Spring!" (unless you live in North Dakota where it's still snowing hahahahah) and wish myself a "Welcome back!" from completely drowning in academia.
Thank you for giving me a moment of your time.


  1. :) and boy am I glad to see spring come this year. I can sympathize with living in a snow globe :)
