Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Five minutes before I began this blog post, I finished my last school assignment of the year 2011, a chemistry test. I kept putting it off, and putting it off since I didn't understand the concepts I was going to be tested on. Until this afternoon, where I decided to conquer electron configuration and atomic mass and wavelength and frequency of light once and for all. Some major light-bulbs exploded in my brain after a lot of studying. After having all these moments of epiphany, I've decided light-bulbs-going-off-in-my-brain is one of the best feelings ever. Back to what I was saying, I AM OFFICIALLY ON CHRISTMAS BREAK. Hallelujah. With school out of the way, I'll really be able to enjoy the holiday season which means I'll have time to do some of my favorite things like eat chocolate, talk on the phone and mop the floor. (Really, I love mopping. And vacuuming. Ask my family or good friends)
Today was pretty average in a lot of ways. OK, I almost ran over a chicken,(that just sounds redneck. And let me tell ya, it felt redneck) Ava threw up on the floor after eating dubious tofu (she almost threw up on ME, but I stuck on the floor just in time) but really, nothing super exciting happened. 
Well, Merry Christmas everyone! <3

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men!"

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life!"

Tree fort in the woods

Thanksgiving dinner


What happens when Will and Ava are left to their own devices...


Mom and Dad!!

Will having a blast



Miss Hannah.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December update!

Wow! I can't believe it's been about a month since I last posted. I'll try post more regularly from now on, but I'm not gonna be a politician and promise anything when realistically I can't grantee anything.
Life for us has been crazy busy. Sadly, (not) school is being pushed to the back burner and is being replaced by holiday activities. More accurately, school is pushed to the day before class...ah yes. Procrastination is my middle name.
Time flies--Thanksgiving was great (what a great holiday, btw. A day just to eat delicious food, and shoot guns, and be thankful!) Christmas season 2011 is already upon us. (just in case you forgot) I'm enjoying the festive decorations, parties, and music. So far, it's been an off year as far as snow goes. Last December, this time of the month, we had about two feet of snow. Now we only have lousy patches of snow.  Dude, I'm ready for skiing, and legit sledding parties-- the snow needs to start falling!