Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sleet, Obama and Hydrogen dioxide.

As I'm sitting here, sleet is pattering on the windows and the wind is howling about the house. Just listening to these sounds of winter make me want to get on some fuzzy socks since my feet are freeezzzinnngggg! The last leaves of autumn are blowing away, carried by the same winds which are steadily bringing winter closer and closer. The change in seasons is upon us. Bring it on! I'll miss the warm weather, but winter is invigorating, breathtaking and energizing. I'm thankful God created different seasons. :)
OK. Speaking of "change". Obama came to little Boone Monday. The entire town was turned upside down. Police officers were borrowed from a bunch of the surrounding towns to take over blocking the 3 main roads. I think he received a mixed reception...some people lined up on the street shouting loud "BOOOO"s, then your occasional Mama-for-Obama over there hopping up and down cheering. I wasn't there myself; this is only what I've heard from others who were trapped in town. Although I certainly do not agree with Obama's policies or politics, it's very neat the president rolled through my town. The trip cost 37 million dollars. I hope the candy he purchased from the Candy Barrel was realllyyy delicious.
Lately, I've also been hoping I don't morph into a nerd 'cause when I hear the word "water" I start thinking: H20. Covalent compound. Hydrogen dioxide. Cannot conduct electricity. Left side of the periodic chart. Diatomic homo-nuclear atoms... you get the picture.
Later, taters.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Autumn is the year's last, loveliest smile..."

"Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn."  ~Elizabeth Lawrence
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."  ~Albert Camus
“Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile.” ~William Cullen Bryant
Those poetic folks pretty much sum up what I want to say about fall-time. Basically, it's magnificent, breathtaking, brilliant, gorgeous and amazing. Mi sono innamorato!
We've been able to take advantage of the season by doing some hiking in the past few days, but the view out the windows are quite beautiful themselves. Hopefully, we will be going back-packing on the AT this weekend if Dad gets over a cold. We've never gone back-packing as an entire family so it should (actually WILL) be an adventure. We'll have to filter all of our water with a little filter. That will certainly be a full-time job. I decline from nomination! 

Here are some pictures from the past week or so. 

The new hair...haha

Emma! Hiking on the parkway

Cuteness. I can't get it to rotate though! Oh well.

The camera never captures the real beauty...

Looking out the front window! Ahh

Looking out the back window!

My peeps.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Albino Weather, Karate Chops and Class Warfare.

"The weather is so ALBINO!"
~Hannah. (She meant bi-polar)
As humans, I think diagnosing the weather somehow makes us feel more in control of something we cannot control. 
I don't know if the weather is albino, ADD, bi-polar or just plain confused, but my brain is not enjoying the fluctuating temperatures. Just when my mind transitioned into sweater, slipper and snowflake mode, I have to pull back out the short-sleeved shirts. Yes, I am aware  the weather is a boring thing to talk about, but I must mention that it snowed on Saturday, and today was at least 70 degrees. 
Life has been going well lately. No injuries. Oh wait. William did slice I mean slice, his foot open the other day. And, I was trying to karate chop Dad's knee and I really bruised the tendons on the side of my hand. It was kind of embarrassing... 
I've been hanging out with friends a lot lately, and squeezing in school. It should probably be the other way around...but...
Of course, I'm kinda curious what the outcome will be with all the stock market heckling going on. Class warfare, corporations, taxes... it seems like a big confusing mess to me, and I still haven't completely wrapped my mind around what is exactly going on. I'm gonna figure it out though. Tomorrow. Ah yes, tomorrow is always another day. 
Until later,
I remain,

Our cat's name is Fezzik.