Tuesday, July 10, 2012

One more week!

Today is the first rainy day in awhile, and the perfect time for me to try to catch up on some blogging. 
As many of you know, in a week, I am leaving for a mission trip to Nicaragua. I'm finally done with my necessary immunizations, and the past few days I've been making shopping lists and gathering the needed items to take along with me. I'm super excited for this trip...can't wait! The area where I'll be working  is known for it's moderate temperatures and is surrounded by mountains and coffee plantations. Unfortunately, there won't be any internet access, so I won't be able to contact anyone while I'm gone. Please pray for the entire mission group going down there, that we will impact many lives for Christ and remain healthy and safe. (and that my Spanish will miraculously improve, and I won't get a farmers tan!!!!) Thanks so much, and I hope all of you are enjoying summertime.