Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Life and Times of Ava

Summer break is a wonderful thing that I love with all of my heart. I've even learned to love mowing the grass! With the end of school, comes the start of the 'Curtis Birthday Season'. Hannah just turned 11, and tomorrow Ava is turning 5. (Dad, Mom, Will and Emma follow close behind) 
Since Ava's birthday is coming up, I think I'll dedicate this post to her. 
From the day Ava arrived in the family 5 years ago, life has been filled with more abundant joy and laughter. Ava is such a precocious people person, she loves being social. (as many of you know) One of her favorite pastimes is Uno. She's pretty slick...she tries to play what she calls "Ava rules" but usually that doesn't go over very well with her opponent. "Ava rules" include her dealing the deck, (where she just so happens to get a fistful of wild cards) her never receiving any penalties, and she never draws any cards. 
She is the oddball in the family since she doesn't like to hike, stating "My legs are too short." But, she wants to go backpacking with Dad, Will and I this weekend...
Ava is constantly hungry, because she views dinner time as a social outlet, and hardly eats any food due to her constant talking. A little while ago, Ava told Mom that she was hungry. Mom replied, "Well, we just had dinner!" Ava responded emphatically, "I AM A GROWING MAN!" 
She is also very sure of her plans for the future. One of her husband requirements is that he only drinks "Root Beer, not real beer." When she grows up, she wants Dad to build her a house in the back yard.
I'm pretty sure Ava thinks she's the oldest of the family...she likes to call me "Kid" and while she attempts to boss us around, her plans are generally thwarted. 
Ava's nightly prayer are also really precious, and sometimes humorous. "Dear Jesus, please help us to be able to figure what outfits to wear while we're at the beach...."